Own Your Mess

Someone I greatly admire once said, “We live in a society where we only claim responsibility for the good. We blame others for the bad instead of taking responsibility. Don’t let pride win. Be willing to take responsibility.” Taking responsibility means a lot to customers and clients. It shows that you truly care about customer […]
Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Around the holidays, the topic of gift giving is one that can turn into contentious debate. People often lament the commercialization of the season and how it has taken away from the true reason for celebrating the holidays this time of year. Parents, myself included, become laser focused on getting the perfect gifts for their […]
The Imperfect is Perfect

A few days ago I was chatting with my neighbor about her adorable three pound puppy. Axel is the epitome of cuteness. He is sweet and mellow, great with kids…the list goes on. I was surprised when my neighbor told me that she saved a significant amount of money when purchasing Axel because his tongue […]
Take 5! Is it news?

This is a question I receive often. An important part of marketing is building awareness for your company or nonprofit. To the business owner or fundraiser, you dream of getting a feature story from the local news. The key is in knowing when you truly have a story that is relevant outside of your organization. […]