Fundraising Trends and Lessons

Nonprofit fundraising has gotten leaner, more strategic, and more precise in recent years. At the same time social media has, like it or not, drastically impacted the way that nonprofits do business.
Get Ahead Together

You have a great idea and want to help your community thrive. Maybe you are already part of a local nonprofit or perhaps you are looking to start a new one. The question is: How do you turn your great idea into a mission that makes a difference? And how do you get that mission […]
Tame the Data Beast

My daughter’s favorite movie (at least for this week) is Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Everyone knows the story, Belle comes to live in the Beast’s castle in order to free her father who had been imprisoned. The beast is a cold-hearted monster that is incapable of seeing good in people. Over time Belle brings […]
Forget Christmas in July, Plan Your Year-End Appeal Now

Once upon a time, we could spend all day on Thanksgiving enjoying time with family and relaxing in the afternoon watching football (or binging on Hallmark movies). Today, that’s often not the case. We rush through our holiday celebrations and hurry out to the store or ready our computer screens to be first in line […]
Finding the Sweet Spot when Giving Back

I often share with people that I spent over a decade working for nonprofits before going to the “other side.” The other side meaning the for profit world. Having worked on both sides gives a unique perspective. As a nonprofit marketer, I often tried to envision what a donor would want? What would they want […]
Social Media Strategy = Social Media Success

Often, new clients come to me seeking the perfect formula to achieving marketing success on social media. They see their competitors’ ads and want to achieve the same success and energy that they feel others are receiving. Each social media channel has its own tips and tricks to being successful. Today, we will talk about […]
It’s About Being The Good

One day while shopping at a local store, I looked up and noticed a sign on the wall. It read, “Believe There Is Good In The World, BE THE GOOD.” Hmmm, I thought. What if? What if we just did that? And, what if we applied it everywhere — not just in our personal lives, […]
Event Catastrophe or Opportunity?

It’s that dreaded moment. You have spent months and months planning the perfect event for your organization. You selected the meal, lined up the entertainment and planned every part of the event down to the minute. And then, without warning, the unthinkable happens… Severe weather strikes your outdoor event. The entertainment act doesn’t show up. […]
Stand out from the crowd with your year-end fundraising strategy

#GivingTuesday, annual reports, holiday cards, year-end appeals, emails, social media, newsletters… It’s all a bit confusing for even the most experienced fundraising professional. Which methods of communication do you use and how do you avoid getting lost in the shuffle and ensure you meet your fundraising goal? I believe a two-step year-end fundraising approach is […]
Finance vs. Fundraising

Every nonprofit knows both the finance and fundraising departments are critical to its success. So why does it always seem that the two departments almost never get along? Communication and understanding – or lack thereof – is typically to blame. The finance department needs a consistent monthly cash flow to ensure operations continue uninterrupted. The […]