Social Media Strategy = Social Media Success

Often, new clients come to me seeking the perfect formula to achieving marketing success on social media. They see their competitors’ ads and want to achieve the same success and energy that they feel others are receiving. Each social media channel has its own tips and tricks to being successful. Today, we will talk about […]
Is phone book marketing still a necessity…

When is the last time you actually looked in the phone book? Like, actually looked inside and hunted for a phone number? Can you even remember? A while back, I came home from running errands and saw our new phone book sitting on my front step. The poor, sad thing was a mere shadow of […]
It’s About Being The Good

One day while shopping at a local store, I looked up and noticed a sign on the wall. It read, “Believe There Is Good In The World, BE THE GOOD.” Hmmm, I thought. What if? What if we just did that? And, what if we applied it everywhere — not just in our personal lives, […]
You talking to me?

Do you ever notice yourself changing the way you say something based on who you are talking to? I know my communication style is vastly different when I am talking to my kids (or my cat, Stella) versus communicating with a colleague. The same holds true when talking to the various groups of people that […]
There is #Crying in Good Marketing

I have a routine at night. After everyone settles down for the evening, I scroll my social media feeds to get caught up on the news and events of the day. While doing this I always stumble upon a few stories from Love What Matters. Sometimes the stories are uplifting and filled with hope, sometimes […]
Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Around the holidays, the topic of gift giving is one that can turn into contentious debate. People often lament the commercialization of the season and how it has taken away from the true reason for celebrating the holidays this time of year. Parents, myself included, become laser focused on getting the perfect gifts for their […]
Event Catastrophe or Opportunity?

It’s that dreaded moment. You have spent months and months planning the perfect event for your organization. You selected the meal, lined up the entertainment and planned every part of the event down to the minute. And then, without warning, the unthinkable happens… Severe weather strikes your outdoor event. The entertainment act doesn’t show up. […]
The Imperfect is Perfect

A few days ago I was chatting with my neighbor about her adorable three pound puppy. Axel is the epitome of cuteness. He is sweet and mellow, great with kids…the list goes on. I was surprised when my neighbor told me that she saved a significant amount of money when purchasing Axel because his tongue […]
Take 5! Is it news?

This is a question I receive often. An important part of marketing is building awareness for your company or nonprofit. To the business owner or fundraiser, you dream of getting a feature story from the local news. The key is in knowing when you truly have a story that is relevant outside of your organization. […]
Stand out from the crowd with your year-end fundraising strategy

#GivingTuesday, annual reports, holiday cards, year-end appeals, emails, social media, newsletters… It’s all a bit confusing for even the most experienced fundraising professional. Which methods of communication do you use and how do you avoid getting lost in the shuffle and ensure you meet your fundraising goal? I believe a two-step year-end fundraising approach is […]